Kayne West using the donation drive as a means to voice his opinion was no more or less worse than you using Newgrounds to voice your opinions of celebrities in general. I don't understand why people always have to throw a fucking fit whenever some celebrity speaks their mind in a public forum when the same little, complaining fucks go straight to their public blogs to bitch about celbrity bitching. I honestly see it as a case of projection and jealousy. You don't capture an audience nearly the size that these people are capabale of so you go and bitch about it to the three people who will read (much like this review here, not like I don't take my own word,) it and will likely agree. Kanye West might be a shitty rapper, a shitty celebrity, and a shitty Canadian (I read that somewhere,) but at least truer words about Bush haven't been spoken in a long time.